Middle Name
Last name**
Mobile Phone
If yes, state the nature of the offense and disposition of the case. Include dates and places.*
What hours and shifts would you prefer?**
List any times you are not available.**
If hired, when would you be available to start?**
If yes, which location and the name of staff member*
Past Employment Job #1
Company Name**
Supervisor Name**
Supervisor Phone Number**
When did you start working there?**
When did you leave?
Starting Rate of Pay:**
Last Rate of Pay:**
What did you do there?**
What did you like?**
What did you dislike?**
Why did you leave?**
If no please explain*
Past Employment Job #2
Company Name**
Supervisor Name**
Supervisor Phone Number**
When did you start working there?**
When did you leave?
Starting Rate of Pay:**
Last Rate of Pay:**
What did you do there?**
What did you like?**
What did you dislike?**
Why did you leave?**
If no please explain*
List any education beyond high school. If none, state “None”**
Why do you want to work with us?*
What interests you most about this position?**
What languages do you speak?**
What is your favorite restaurant and why?**
What do you think The Pellegrino's Deli-Cafe values are?**
Describe your typical day off.**
What can you improve about yourself?**
What commitments do you have or do you anticipate that may affect your schedule?**
Describe the best manager you ever had**
What would your previous employer say about your work?**
What kinds of people annoy you?**
What motivates you to get the job done?**
What is your greatest strength?**
What is the most useful criticism you’ve ever received? * Why?**
I was referred by:
In case of emergency please contact:**
Tell us why you enjoy serving other people.**
Describe a great experience you've had going out to a restaurant/bar.**
What made it great?**
Think of the last new thing you learned to do – a new job, a new computer program, a new recipe, a new exercise, etc. How did you learn it? Did you read, watch, practice, listen, who taught you, how long did it take, was it fun? Describe the experience?*
What is the minimum amount you need to earn per week?**